
Structures can be defined in recipe files:

struct example_t {
    int a;
    float b;

example_t data;

… and set in data files:

recipe "example.rec";
data = {
    a = 1;
    b = 3.14159265;


Structure inheritance can be used to add more fields to an existing structure:

struct aircraft_t {
    string name;
    int wings;

struct jet_t: aircraft_t {
    int reactors;

aircraft_t data;
recipe "planes.rec";
data = {
    name = "A380";
    wings = 2;
    reactors = 4;

Multiple inheritance

A structure can inherits multiple parents. In that case, the order of declaration is very important because is defines the order of deserialization. In the following structure declaration, the members of something_t will be written first in the binary, the members of aircraft_t second, and the member reactors of jet_t third.

struct jet_t: something_t, aircraft_t {
    int reactors;


Structures supports template type parametization, like C++ does (although the syntax for Bakery is simplified).

struct point_t<T> {
    T x;
    T y;

point_t<float> point_a;
point_t<int> point_b;

Setting the values for template types in the data file is transparent:

recipe "point.rec";
point_a = { x = 1.5; y = 3.6; };
point_b = { x = 0; y = 10; };

Multiple template parameters are also supported by adding more typenames separated with commas. Variadic template parameters are not supported.